Nick best(照片來源/擷自YouTube《Nick Best頻道》)



Hey everybody and welcome back to another video. Today we got something kind of interesting and dear to my heart that we're gonna cover today and it's rest. Okay so rest is really important. You see a lot of peiople out there and they want to get bigger they want to grow they want to do all these things with their body.

First, if you want to be super lean all the time, you're not going to get real big. If you want to be lean, that's fine, but take an off season get big, go through the old bodybuilders. An old bodybuilders you just call a bulking cycle where you try to get as big as you can and put on as much weight as you can, and then you can go into a cutting cycle, and you can do this like twice a year. Three months of building, three months of cutting, three months of bulding, three month of cutting. And what yo can do is by the end, you'll put on between five and ten sometimes  even fifteen pounds of muscle a year. Well yo do that after three to five years, you get pretty darn big. And then you can still be pretty lean half the year and then you can still be pretty strong the other half of the year. That's the only way these work together. If you're trying to do them at the same time, it doesn't work.
首先如果你想要維持很精瘦,你就無法變得真的魁梧。如果你想要變瘦,這也可以,但挑一個淡季的時間變壯,像那些老派健美運動員。我說的老派健美運動員的方式是增肌循環(bulking cycle),就是你先儘可能的讓自己變大與增重,然後你再開始一個減重的循環,你可以一年做兩次這個循環。三個月增重,三個月減重,再三個月增重,再三個月減重。做了一年之後,你將會增加五到十,甚至是十五磅的肌肉量。當你持續做了三到五年,你會變得該死的健壯。而你仍舊可以在半年的時間裡是非常精瘦,另外半年的時間裡則是非常的強壯。這是唯一一個讓精瘦與魁梧同時存在的方法。如果你想要同時如此,這不成的。

But the most important thing that's going to make you have a long career and be able to do this until you're tired of doing it. It is the thing called Rest. Taking days off and knowing what your body feels like when you're done, when you're doing too much. If you're sweating at night when you're sleeping after an unbelievably hard workout. Okay, one night's okay, you don't train the next day, the next day if you're still sweating when you're trying to go to sleep, you're doing it wrong. You went too hard, you're overworking your body and your body's not having the ability to catch up. So, that's one big thing, "night sweats" are a big big thing. And it's a very big indicator of how hard you go.

I was still on leg day on certain workout days, leg day I will be hot the whole next night and it is difficult to sleep that night when I'm trying to sleep. You know because my body I could just feel like a furnace, I'm reading them but the next day I rest, I dont' do a whole lot, I stretch, which is very important, I stretch, I walk around a little bit, I do things to move around, and go about my business on a regular day. But I don't train. I don't train, okay.
某些訓練的時候我會做腿部日(leg day譯註:主要鍛鍊腿部的日子),腿部日接下來的整晚我會很熱,而當我睡覺時會很難入睡,你知道這是因為我的身體感覺像是個火爐,我清楚地知道這個狀態,而第二天我會休息,不做太多的運動,我會做伸展,這非常重要,我伸展,我也會走路,我做一些會四處移動的事,做些平常我會做的日常雜事。但是我不做訓練,我不做訓練,好嗎?

Now my body heals, it starts the healing process, it's going, the next day I come in like today, I squat it on Saturday, here we are it's Monday, and I did chest today. So, I did chest, shoulders and triceps today. And it was a good training day, I had a lot of energy for it and everything felt good, but I got rest from the legs I didn't touch anthing that I did with my legs. Now, in two days which is Wednesday, I'm going to do back rear belts, and biceps. Okay, so and then I'm done for two days, then I take two days off. The only thing I do in between is some walking and some stretching, movements stuff, mobility stuff, but I don't do anthing that's physically taxing because my body needs to heal.
此時我的身體在修復,它開始修復的過程,持續地進行著。接下來的一天,像是我今天進來,我上禮拜六做了深蹲訓練(譯註:腿部的訓練),而今天是星期一,我今天就做了胸部肌群的訓練。我今天鍛鍊了胸部肌群、肩膀與手臂三頭肌。今天的訓練感覺很好,我有很多的能量,每件事也感覺起來很好,而我讓腿部休息,我沒有做任何跟腿部有關的事情。而在兩天之後也就是星期三,我會做後背的訓練帶(back rear belt)還有上臂二頭肌的訓練。所以說,我做了兩天,然後休息兩天,在這中間我只會做一些走路、一些伸展、移動的練習(movement)、活動度的練習(mobility),但我不會做體力上費勁的訓練,因為我的身體需要修復。

Now the simplest way I can put it to you all as far as the healing process goes (and I don't need this paper I'm holding anymore) is I want you to think about velcro. Now if I take velcro on this hand and on this hand, and I put them together and I try to pull apart, it's really super strong. Well that's your muscle so when you work out, and then you put together and you let it rest all the way to where it's healed it's really strong again. But if you keep going and working out six days a week and that muscle starts healing here, it's going to come apart really, you can just pull it apart, that's how you get injured. That's how you end your career because as the injuries pile up, decade after decade, your body's only going to take so many injuries and this would be like "hey we're not doing this anymore".

So I'm 52, I've been doing this for 38 years now. This is the 25th year in a row that I've squatted over 800 punds. Now think about that for a minute and this is also the 25th year in a row I've totaled over 2000 pounds. That's a long time. People just don't do that. So you have to read your body, you have to get the proper amount of rest. It's ungodly important and I'm going to tell you right now. It's probably the most important thing you will do. Let me say that again, it's probably the most important thing you will do.

If your body doesn't heal, you don't grow. You dont' grow, you don't get your goals. It's just that simple. And you don't want your velcro healing here, you want it healing here, you want the muscle fibers to heal all the way and the connective tissue that's something else to think about that a lot of people don't think about, is your tendons and ligaments also have to heal. And they heal slower than muscle tissue. And that's a big big thing I'm not getting injured. Huge thing, as a matter of fact. So that's my ranting that's my rating, rating for the day but this is very dear to my heart, and it's one of the ways that I've lasted this long. 38 years in this.

So I hope you enjoied this, if You like this, leave a like down there, hit the subscribe button if you like it, hit notifications, so you don't miss any of these. And as always, train hard, train smart and be the best you can be.


#NickBest #StrongmanNickBest #Strongman #REST #學佛新生活

